- Focus on the positive contributions of others
- Community building
- People become aware of their own as well as others impacts
The Wall of Positivity was a way for people to recognize, anonymously, the positive things other people in the house do for them. This was to steer away from the negative comments surrounding what people haven't done. It was also to build a better positive energy and community in the house between people who don't usually interact with one another. The anonymity focused the notes solely on the person being mentioned and the action of writing a note didn't take much effort to complete.
A wall in a public space that will be passed often to remind people.
- Pen
- Note cards or Post It Notes
- Colored or patterned card
- House Wall
- Sticky tack
Funded personally but colored card can be found in the craft box in Student Life.
Step by Step
- Create an interesting banner with the title
- Find your wall and stick up the banner
- Create a place to keep the pen and note paper
- Make sure there is a way to stick the notes to the wall
- Announce to the house the wall of ______ (whatever you want to call it - fame, peaches, positivity)
- Explain the rules: Only positive messages, you pick a person and write the positive thing or impact they had, e.g. George, for cleaning the kitchen. Miranda, for making me a hot chocolate, and emphasize that it is all anonymous.
- Try to get everyone to create at least one to start the wall off.
- Keep an eye on the wall to remove any negative, rude or irrelevant messages.
People used the wall but it began to die out. My changes to address this would be to create at least one during community dinner and then read the new messages from the week out loud. Keeping the wall in people's minds would help in keeping it alive. This program has had different results in different house communities. The key to the wall of positivity being a success is community buy in, your residents have to want to be a part of it.
Tumblr Posts
| One | Two |Three | Four |
If you have tried this event and want to provide feedback please comment below!!
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