- Get residents off island and out of COA for awhile
- Stress relief around weeks nine and ten
- Bond together as a community over kittens!
Kitten cuddling is actually an outing to the SPCA to play with their kittens for a period of time. It was a great stress relief for residents during week nine of winter term which is always very difficult emotionally. There isn't a lot of sunlight, it's cold and people stay inside more. This can create a lot of tension and sometimes stir crazy energy from being around the same people, in the same space for ten straight weeks. The SPCA was in Ellsworth so it got residents off island and the kittens were cute and fluffy, nuff said.
SPCA in Ellsworth
- Transport
Can be funded personally or you could request a school van.
Step by Step
- Call the SPCA and ask if they are okay with "x" amount og college students coming to play with kittens
- If yes, organize transport for your residents
- Drive to Ellsworth and play with kittens, respectfully...
- You can either drive back or arrange to have lunch/dinner in Ellsworth
- Bask in the glory of having successfully arranged kitten cuddling
Residents were less stressed and happy to get out of Bar Harbor and COA. It was a great insert into the struggles of week nine when it can be easy to get lost in work and sometimes even depressed it's not spring yet. However, beware of the urge to adopt the kittens! Encourage your residents to leave without taking one home even if it is difficult to resist those giant kitten eyes.
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If you have tried this event and want to provide feedback please comment below!!
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